生長在泰國野林的實生苗老欉茶樹, 2015年手採春茶, 經存藏轉化後上市, 本品適合存藏 越存越 香。
數百年茶樹,不施肥 、 不澆水 、 無農藥和除草劑,也不含任何添加物 。
老木野綠具獨特山野韻,花香中帶著淡淡的軟甜和輕微的海苔香, 持久回甘,耐泡性佳,適合初次接觸野茶者 。
Made from hundreds year old tea tree in 2015 spring with proper storage for a few years, the tea gets matured and changes to sweeter and deeper flavors. The tea tree grows in the forest of Thailand, without fertilization irrigation, pesticide and herbicide.
The tea soup presents the note of natural floral sweetness with light seaweed aroma, and long-lasting sweet aftertaste.
Production year: 2015
Ingredient:Tea leaves (Tree tea; Big-leaf tea)
Net weight: 40 g
Appearance: Twist loose tea
Size:(D) 8.5 cm、(H)15 cm
Original: Thailand
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