The Ruby Black Tea is made from TTES No.18 large-leafed tea tree. The clear and bright amber color tea soup is similar to ruby.
The black tea is special tea cultivar from Taiwan. You'll be surprised its special natural fragrance, when you taste the tea.
No more additive flavor needed. It has natural cinnamon and fresh mint flavors that is refreshing, sweet and smooth but unforgettable, and is quite popular among consumers.
The tea tree, TTES no.18, is an artificial hybrid between Burma large-leafed tea plant, C. sinensis var. assamica (maternal), and Taiwan native wild tea plant, C. sinensis f. formosensis (paternal), was released by the Tea Research and Extension Station (TTES) and extended to the farmers in 1999.
成分 Ingredient:喬木型大葉種茶葉Tea leaves (Big-leaf tea)
淨重 Net weight:50克(g)
外觀 Appearance:條索狀散茶Twist loose tea
包裝 Packaging: 直徑(r)8.5cm、高(H)15cm
產地 Original:台灣 Taiwan